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This panel supports various modes of operation to assist in the calibration of the Z axis of the machine. It's strongly suggested to read Klipper documentation about Bed level



  • "Start" will initiate the only method available, or ask the user if multiple methods are available.


KlipperScreen will automatically Home(G28) if needed

  • The raise(+) and lower(-) buttons send TESTZ Z=distance where distance is selected in the bottom row.
  • Accept will send ACCEPT
  • Abort will send ABORT

Calibration methods


Available when a probe is defined. (BL-Touch is a probe)

KlipperScreen will try to position the probe in the correct place before sendind a PROBE_CALIBRATE

Search order to select location
  1. calibrate_x_position and calibrate_y_position in KlipperScreen.conf Both need to be configured, probe offsets are not applied. This is considered an override
  2. Probe at the zero reference position of the mesh
  3. If [safe_z_home] is defined, those values are used. Unless Z_ENDSTOP_CALIBRATE is available. In other words, only use [safe_z_home] if z_virtual_endstop is used
  4. If the kinematics are delta probe is placed at 0, 0
  5. Probe at the center of the bed_mesh
  6. Probe at the center of the axes (position_max / 2)

Klipper documentation: Calibrating probe Z offset


Available when a physical endstop is defined for [stepper_z]

Klipper documentation: Calibrating a Z endstop


Available when a probe is not defined and [bed_mesh] is defined

this mode lets you create a mesh leveling bed using the paper test in various points.


DO NOT adjust the bed screws while using this mode.

Adjust the screws using the bed screws panel before running this tool.

Delta Automatic/Manual (DELTA_CALIBRATE)

Available when the kinematics are defined as delta.

Klipper documentation: Delta calibration