This just tracks the most notable changes, if you want all the details checkout the commit history. Probably all versions contain changes regarding documentation, translation, fixes and other minor refactors
- basic lockscreen for shows or kids
- add fine-tune panel on the main/more menu
- add comment field if available in Spoolman
v0.4.5 (Oct 28, 2024)
- allow calling KlipperScreen panels from gcode
- bed_mesh: automatically call for z_tilt or quad_level if not applied
- show battery status in the topbar
- macros: keyboard to keypad input switch with auto pre-selection
v0.4.4 (Sep 16, 2024)
- support for different moonraker routes
- allow showing/hiding cursor from the settings
- some wpa-eap support, adds the security type selector and user field
- extrude: wait for temp or open temp panel automatically close #1416
- extrude: show more filament sensors (up to 9)
- notifications: change icon if warnings were issued
- notifications: add clear close #1178
- notifications: klipper config warnings
v0.4.3 (Jun 29, 2024)
- prompts: add regular buttons and groups
- refactor: always ignore and hide console temp responses
- gcodes: vertical: remove left icons if low resolution
- keypad: support floating point temp
- gcodes: add extra info to confirm print
- zcalibrate: add a dropdown with the function name to select
- job_status: auto-estimated time: use last print time if available
- gcodes: add option to delete in the confirmation
v0.4.2 (Jun 10, 2024)
- job_status: remove the status message and use the titlebar for that
- shutdown: add restart ks
- extrude: move firmware retraction into the panel, add pressure advance control closes #724
- screen: theme doesn't need a restart anymore
- splash: show the message when klipper is shutdown
- rename print panel to gcodes
- job_status: add extra info to print list and dialog
- network: new NetworkManager backend using sdbus (#1269)
- drop python 3.7 support (#1271)
v0.4.1 (May 24, 2024)
- vertical layout: increase font size
- main_menu and temp: change layout to accomodate a bigger graph and list in vertical mode
- pins: add pwm_tool
- menu: add pins panel access while printing
- move and zcalibrate: changes in z invert
- system: add cpu and memory usage tracking
- add system info panel
- updater: add distro name
- menu: rename system to update
- allow 2 different screen timeouts, one while printing the other if not
- settings: Add tooltips
- printer_select: support custom icons #1240
- bed_mesh: show round bed without padded values
- macros: send gcode style (G/M) macros without =
- bed_mesh: bedmap draw axis
- zcalibrate: add support for axis twist compensation
- zcalibrate: add confirmation for abort close #1326
v0.4.0 (Apr 14, 2024)
- move: support rescaling the slider if machine limits are changed
- bed_mesh: add support for rotation and inversion to the meshMap
- bed_level: add a warning for the screws not being used
- heatergraph: add the ability to go fullscreen when clicked close #740
- Add an alternative to X close #1289 (#1306) (Wayland)
- limits: change to minimum cruise ratio
- heatergraph: add power representation (if set to show power in settings)
- base_panel: titlebar: turn red if high cpu or memory is in use, show usage
- create the shutdown panel, add it to the action bar, remove items from system panel
- job_status: show current offset when saving to endstop close #1286
v0.3.9 (Feb 29, 2024)
print panel refactor and new features (#1270) Adds a grid/thumbnail mode (switchable to the list mode) last mode used is saved faster load and less memory usage add sort by size
extrude: add an extruder selector for machines with more than 5 extruders (#1249)
- pins: make the non pwm pins on-off pwm pins as a scale
- popups: rate limit to every second close #1225
- feat: macro prompts close #1216 (#1219)
v0.3.8 (Dec 23, 2023)
- add move_distances config option (#1211)
- printer_select: do not sort, this allows the users to sort how they want by defining them in the config in the order they want
v0.3.7 (Nov 24, 2023)
- wifi: add icons
- initial notifications panel
- add moonraker warnings
v0.3.6 (Sep 24, 2023)
- LED light control, close #991 (#1106)
- pause will auto-open extrude
- macros: hide the panel if there are no elegible macros
- job_status: click thumbnail for fullscreen thumbnail
v0.3.5 (Aug 21, 2023)
- camera: relative url support close #1086 (#1088)
- Spoolman support close #1060
- Use callbacks to disable and enable buttons to improve user feedback
- main_menu: allow closing the keypad with the back button
- camera: add support for moonraker cameras, deprecates camera_url
v0.3.4 (Jul 30, 2023)
- fine_tune: split speed and flow selectors close #935
- job_status: show save to endstop to apply offset for deltas close #916
- job_status: change progress percentage to time-based instead of file-based
v0.3.3 (Jul 2, 2023)
- Menu reorganization (#1029)
- temp: add pid calibrate to the keypad (#1026)
- bed_level: add center screw close #863
v0.3.2 (Feb 20, 2023)
- add ability to style and template menu buttons (#866)
- Update on-screen keyboard (#874)
v0.3.1 (Dec 11, 2022)
- feat: camera support, using mpv as backend
- resizability
- print: add move/rename, make delete a visible button close #636
v0.3.0 (Dec 5, 2022)
- feat: turn on_off power devices with the screensaver close #518
- macros add parameters
- print: allow directory deletion
- job_status: add eta
- Added support for network manager
- settings: add extra large font close #798
v0.2.9 (Nov 18, 2022)
- job_status: use the new print_stats layer info
- functions: logging: use printer_data
- keyboard: add spanish and german, change backscpace, clear and accept to icons
v0.2.8 (Oct 27, 2022)
- config: add printer_data to default config search locations
- extrude: make the speed and distance configurable close #673
- limits and retraction: infinite sliders
- print: hide files and directories starting with .
v0.2.7 (Oct 4, 2022)
- exclude: graph (#743)
- Add current heater power % to job status (#708)
v0.2.6 (Sep 2, 2022)
- Change URL protocol to HTTPS and WSS when connecting to port 443
- main temp: add the ability to hide the graph
- system: add shutdown and restart host
- exclude: add exclude objects support
v0.2.5 (Aug 1, 2022)
- system: Add check for updates close #681
- bed_level: support 3 screws close #606
- job_status: now works without extruders or fans
- print: add delete file
- screen: Always ask to save config if we detect it on responses
- output_pin panel close #546
- built-in keyboard
v0.2.4 (Jul 3, 2022)
- Enable users to inject a custom script to start KlipperScreen (#660)
- basic support for extruder_stepper
- fan: add max and stop buttons
v0.2.3 (May 31, 2022)
- job_status: ask for confirmation, and show saved offset
- extrude: add filament sensor support
- limits: add reset, allow to set above the configured maximum but turn the slider red
- job_status: animate filename if it's too long
- macros: allow reverse sorting
- Add Input Shaper panel
- zcalibrate: show the saved offset and offset to be saved
- Allow setting 0 in preheat options (#612)
v0.2.2 (May 1, 2022)
Improve Job status (#592)
Adds heater_generic and/or temp_sensors besides extruder/bed (because of the limited space maybe only 1)
Temps are now buttons and act as a shortcut to the temp panel
Adds fan_generic to the fan label and it's now a shortcut to the fan panel
The colors and size of the progress circle were changed to be more subtle.
Margins between items were augmented, because they are buttons now
Adds 3 information pages: move, extrusion and time: * move can be opened with speed or z buttons * time with elapsed/remaining buttons * extrusion with the extrude_factor / flowrate button
limits: add units
- Add firmware retraction panel close #101
- Add possibility to define custom code for cooling (#579)
- job_status: add save z button to save babystepping
- console: hide temps, clear button, button icons
v0.2.1 (Apr 1, 2022)
- Vertical mode (#480)
- Use extruder icon without number if there is only 1
- Screensaver if dpms is off
- fine_tune: add reset button, do not set babystepping prior to homing, reorganize a bit
- menu and printer_select: support more than 8 items
- zcalibrate: add selector for the different modes zcalibrate supports
- system: feature: add Full Update
- Added option to select default printer at startup. (#542)
- Show fan speed according to max_power and off_below (#543)
- console: add switch to turn off autoscroll (#540)
- base_panel: allow titlebar items to be configured
- splash_screen: allow power_devices to be configured
- Bed_level: Support 6 and 8 Screws and rotation (#484)
- Show position including offsets in the move panel (#516)
- Start in configurations without fans or extruders or temp devices
- Extrude panel: Support 5 extruders (#441)
- Support hiding by name using underscore (#437)
- Support Manual Mesh calibration (#388)
- Support the "enter" key from a physical keyboard (#379)
- Support multiple power devices. (#350)
- add speed as parameter to UN/LOAD_FILAMENT macro (#359)
v0.2.0 (Dec 7, 2021)
The Project changed maintainer alfrix (Thats the reason for the version jump)
- Temp graph (#357)
- Create keypad widget and include set temp on the main menu
- Switch from to PyGObject (#348)
- Add the full message of the commits in the updater (#343)
- Wakeup touch block (#340)
- screen: RESPOND echo will now show a message on the screen.
- Zcal panel: Support for Z_ENDSTOP_CALIBRATE (#327)
- Move panel: Add Z-tilt/Quad-gantry-level/HomeXY button (#326)
- Add temperature_fan to heaters (#325)
- Configurable xy position for z-calibrate (#310)
- Material themes (#297)
- Support custom themes (#288)
- Allow gcode commands with preheat options (#274)
- Add printer limits panel
- Add unload/load and reorganize extrude panel (#250)
- Font Size Selector (#245)
- Wake the screen at print start and end (#229)
- system: Add restart option to services that moonraker supports
- base_panel: Add extruder/heater bed temperatures to the title bar
v0.1.6 (May 13, 2021)
- Wifi manager: Updates to include ability to change wifi networks
v0.1.5 (May 10, 2021)
- New Style - Solarized (#144)
- M117 messages display (#150)
- print: Include refresh button for files
- bed_mesh: Include ability to view mesh Added ability to visualize bed meshes. The active bed mesh will have more points available to view than inactive bed meshes.
- Multiple printers (#85)
- screen: Enable DPMS so screens can power down.
- screen: Allow cursor to be displayed #51
- temperature: add heater_generic
- screen: Only process current panel's subscription
v0.1.4 (Feb 15, 2021)
- network: Show wifi information
- screen_panel: Put icons on a sidebar instead of on the header
- printer: Include quad_gantry_level
- wifi: Initial wifi class
- job_status/settings: Allow different file estimation methods
- print: Allow sorting by date and name.
v0.1.3 (Jan 7, 2021)
- gcode_macros: Update to hide macros based on settings
- settings: Create settings panel for KlipperScreen settings
- job_status: updates to show active extruder
- KlippyWebsocket: changes to allow for moonraker api key
- gcode_macros: add a panel for gcode macros
- screen: allow custom moonraker url/port
- config: Allow specifying configfile location from command line
- UI scaling (#28)
- move: Allow inverting of the axis
- bed_level: include screws_tilt_calculate command
- fine_tune: Remove fan from fine tune panel. Add fan to print menu
- configuration: hide extrude while printing
- bed_mesh: Add panel for bed_mesh
- screen: add popup message capability
v0.1.2 (Dec 2, 2020)
- Change panel layout. Add title and move back button
- system: add klipper version
v0.1.1 (Nov 28, 2020)
- Add power panel
- menu: add ability to hide certain menus
- Dynamically load panels
- Add HOME XY button
- Highlight all heaters by default on preheat panel
v0.1.0 (Nov 14, 2020)
- first release
v0.0.0 (Jul 6, 2020)
- first commit